Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Really Random Blog Update

Yes I know I know...I haven't been blogging properly for the last few blog entries. Hey what can I do when I'm an NS man who is drained off all his fucking life forces due to repeative PT and drill trainings.

Life in the Police Force is way slacker as compared to the SAF (acronym for Serve And Fuckoff). So I guess I'm having it better than most of my friends who are in Tekong right now. But some how I hate every single Sundays right now.

I keep getting the sian-ness feeling of having to book in again into that shithole and the following day being a Monday isn't exactly making it any better. In addition to the fact of a looming Monday, the thought of my friends getting wasted in a club without me and partying like frat boys on graduation night makes it even more depressing for me.

To forcefully rub salt onto the already wounded spirit, not seeing my friends for the next 5 days really put the cherries ontop of the fucking fattening Black Forest cake. And all I'm left with are my bunk mates and my never-there Field Instructor (seriously I haven't even see a full hour of him over the past week not that I'm madly in love with him but he's great).

I went tanning yesterday with Chris over at Delta Swimming Pool yesterday and boy was the Sun GORGEOUS!! Slapped on some Golden tanning oil, I baked myself under the sun for 1 hour and the result was PHWOAR!! I almost turn into a piece of chaota toufu by the end of it. And here is a picture of it to show you.

Okay maybe the outfit is making me look tan and I think I look horrid in this picture. As a matter of fact, I look like a waiter from some wanna-be fine dining restaurant!?!

Anyway. In about a few hours time I will be booking in again (SIAN ARH!!!), but the good news is, I get to book out again on Tuesday (WOOTS) dues to Hari Raya (DOUBLE WOOTS). I LOVE SINGAPORE and I LOVE MALAYS (that was not suppose to be a sarcastic comment there, I'm strictly NOT RACIST!).

Ever since young I have aspired to be a Parking Pontianak aka Parking Attendant because I can ride the pearly white Vespa. And so to prepare myself I kinda pretended to be one and here are some pictures to show it.



Introducing Fatimah the Parking Pontianak!!

Oops She sees someone parking on Double Yellow lines.

Don't scold her, because she will give you more parking fines if you throw vulgarities at her.

Remember, Fatimah is watching your every move.



Okay I have to declare again, I'm strictly not Racist and if anyone finds the pictures I posted offensive I will take it down (But seriously, I don't think I will give a shit but I will give it a quick thought).

Last week when I went over to Marina Square for dinner, Chris and I decided to walk around CityLink for window shopping. And I found this marvelous Ice Cream parlor at the end of CityLink (The exit away from Cityhall MRT). The parlor is called Marlevous Cream.

Okay the pictures are a bit blur. But the Ice Cream is good.

Look at the different types of ice cream they have.

I had Tiramisu

and Chris had Berry Berry Ice Cream

And we bought something for Jason, whom at that point of time wasn't really in the mood for anything. So we got him the Belgium Noisette Chocolate to cheer him up abit.

Its really good, and for $5.90 for a cup, you get a Marvelous cup of Marvelous Ice Cream from Marvelous Cream. Of course there are other products from this Parlor.

Okay I gotta end my post now...I gotta leave for my camp already...