Friday, October 24, 2008

Revoir - If I were a Single Boy

Well peeps, I'm back from my 3 weeks hiatus (all of it caused by this irritating National Service). And no I'm not back to bitch and rant all about my life in the Singapore Police Force, because I'm soooooooooo over that.

But instead, I'm here to review on Beyonce's 2 newest track that was released roughly 2 weeks ago (I know, I know, I'm so retardedly slow [rhyme not intended]).

The two tracks are If I Were A Boy and Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It).

Single Ladies - Beyonce

I like this video mainly because it pretty old school-ish. It all black and white (God I sound so much like a blonde within the last 2 sentence). The choreography is very nice as well (can't I think of other exciting words other than 'nice'?). The dance steps are not repeated. But the lyric is so women-empowering (I think there is a grammatical error here somewhere but I just can't figure it out.).

If I Were A Boy - Beyonce

This song is abit more emotional, kinda like Resentment from her previous album B'day (WIKIPEDIA FTW). Also abit women-empowering, but in a way of telling the men how to treat the ladies of their life (Now I sound abit smarter, kinda like a Brunette now).

Somehow, Beyonce is like the newer, prettier, sexier, hotter, less voluptuous version of Oprah Winfrey. Most of her songs just teaches women how to live without a dick in their life (pun intended).